Wilton Cake Decorating Kit Michaels
Have you ever consider taking Michael's basic Wilton cake decorating course? If your answer is yes, you should continue reading.
A couple weeks ago, I (Rodney) went to my first decorating course. Before I took the Wilton course, I had very little prior experience in cake decorating. Since I have a background in art and design I would helped Melissa design a few cakes when needed but nothing extreme.
But why you decide to take this course rod?
Let's start from the beginning, Melissa has been baking since 2006, but we really didn't take her baking seriously until 2008. As she was growing her clientele over the last 7-8 years, Melissa has tripled her orders in the last two years.
We recently decided it's was time, she gets some help as this business keeps growing and it can be very overwhelming. Since I already assisted her in the pass with some cake designs we figured maybe it was time to remove me from the desk and into the kitchen, to start to bake and decorate.
As we see on TLC shows like Cake Boss, DC Cupcakes or Extreme Cake Challenge baking has been getting very complex and competitive. More and more artists are transitioning from designing sculptures to designing cakes. With my level of skills in art it only makes sense to have me aboard.
How did I found out about Michael's Basic Wilton Cake Course?
Back in 2008, Melissa signed up for The Wilton Method of Cake Decorating course. Every Sunday around noon for 2 hours, Melissa took 3 courses, each course had 4 classes over a period of 12 weeks. She had such an AWESOME time and experience It only makes sense to follow the same blueprint or as the quote goes, "follow the yellow brick road to success."

Melissa completed Wilton Method of Cake Decorating Final Course 11/23/2008
What to expect in Class?
The first class is an introduction to cupcake decorating. You will learn how to make and tint icing, fill decorating bag, and pipe a variety of decorations, including the popular 1M swirl. After you're done you'll take home your decorated cupcakes to share with family and friends.
What you should bring:
Bring your class registration receipt, syllabus, and a pen/pencil.
Length of Class:
2 hours
At the beginning of class, you will tour Michael's food crafting department with the instructor and shop for supplies.
Below is the supply list suggested for the course
- Wilton Course 1 Student Kit
- Wilton Icing Colors, any 2-3 colors of your choice
- Wilton Ready to Use Decorator Icing*
- Wilton Course 1 Student Guide (Optional)
Note*Info purchasing Wilton icing, you have to prepare 1 recipe of Wilton Class Buttercream icing (recipe is below post).
The lessons will cost you $15.00 + Supplies (At the time of this blog post) per course for each individual.
The Wilton course 1 student kit cost $34.99. The day I signed up, Michael's was sold out on course 1 student kit. I end up purchasing Wilton® I Taught Myself to Decorate Cupcakes© Set kit that costed about $14.99
Wilton Icing colors I end up barrowing from instructor Andrew who let me used a couple of his tools since the kit was sold out.
Wilton Course 1 – Student Guide This is essentially your 'textbook for course outlining everything you need to know. Includes photos and instructions for decorating. The day of my class the student guide was also sold but a week later I brought the book at Michaels in New Jersey for $4.99.

2008 vs 2017 Additional Supplies needed:
- 6-8 un-iced standard cupcakes
- Container to transport cupcakes
- Toothpicks
- Gallon size zipper food storage bags
- Small container of water
- Paper napkins or paper towels
- Damp cloth
- Confectioner's Sugar (about 1/2 cup)
- Disposable cups or bowls for thinning and coloring icing
- Rubber spatulas for mixing icing
- Scissors
- Pen or Pencil
- Apron
My Pros/Cons based on my own personal experience:
- Instructor (Andrew@drewlivscakes) was great, friendly, very informative, helpful and inspiring.
- Classmate partner was very helpful, nice and FUN!
- Class is affordable to learn basic decorating skills
- Convenient! I have 3 Michael's in my area that all provides lessons.
- Instructor was late. Class started 15 minutes late.
- Michael's sold out on supplies for the courses. (Depends on location)
- Some Classmates were advanced. Which took time away from the instructor to teach more advance techniques. Everyone learn at different speeds which you should be in a class at your level.
- Time – Class started at 4pm which is peak time for shoppers.

Instructor Andrew @drewlivscakes
Wilton Class Buttercream Recipe
- 1 cup solid vegetable shortening
- 1 teaspoon Wilton clear flavoring (Vanilla, Almond or Butter)
- 7-8 teaspoons milk or water
- 1 lb. (approx. 4 cups) pure cane confectioners' sugar
- 1 tablespoon Wilton Meringue Powder
- Pinch of salt (optional), dissolved in Mike or water
In large bowl, beat shortening, flavoring, and milk / water. Add dry ingredients and beat on medium speed until all ingredients have been combined. Blend an additional minute or so until creamy. Makes about 2 1/2 cups of stiff consistency icing.
Related Article:
The Wilton Method of Cake Decorating Course 1: Certificate Day
Final Word
At the end of the day, I would recommend this course to anyone interested in decorating and learning how to build buttercream skills. It won't turn you into the next Cake Boss but it can provide you with the fundamentals to become one. After taking lesson 1 I have a whole new appreciation for the work and passion Melissa put into decorating cake. I hope this review helps and please feel free to leave any comments, questions or your own personal experiences with Wilton Method of Cake Decorating Course 1, Level 1.
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Untilnext class, Happy Caking!!
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Wilton Cake Decorating Kit Michaels
Source: https://www.legacycakerystudios.com/michaels-basic-wilton-cake-decorating-course-101-part-1-review/
Posted by: batsonallind.blogspot.com
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